
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How to Make Your Book Character Awesome! (A.K.A. How to Have a Badass As One of Your Book Characters!)

Me- "My Favorite Book!"

1- Give Your book character an Awesome Origin Story!

Some authors give their main really cool characters' an amazing origin story. Like "Magnus Bane" from "the Mortal instruments" book series. He was born a half/demon and grew up in a religious and abusive home which made him strong. When he figured out how to use his magic he escaped his home and traveled around the world, selling his magic services for a price. Then as he lived through the many centuries that passed, he continued to Fall in and out of love, until he met "Alec Lightwood". (You see that to me is an awesome origin story!)

Me- "Their Amaze-Balls!"

Another good example is "The Scarlet Witch" and her twin brother "Quicksilver". Through out marvel comics they have many origin stories but my favorite is, the one in the movie "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron."  it describes their trials of hardship. loosing their (adopted) parents (real parents are "Magneto" and mother is (?) ), Hating "Stark", and so on. I also like how the movie shows how close they are to one another, because they are all each other has. (You want your readers to understand the sorrow, joy, or anger that your book character may feel. Because you want your readers to relate to the character or characters you may have.) Like how me and my twin sister felt when Quicksilver dies. (I cried. And I don't cry easily.) For twins it's like there's a link between you that no one else is connected to. it's just the two of you, and if the link is severed it probably feels like your dying. And when the Scarlet Witch screams when her brother dies it breaks your heart. You see If you write about twins you need to describe there connection. 

"Oh, were Fitz and Simmons!"

2- Have a Good Love Interest In Place!

You see your book character can be as badass as "Black Widow", but that isn't going to get your book character a huge fan base unless you pair them up with some one as equally awesome! (Like The Hulk, or Captain America) For instants, two awesome and cool in their own way people "Leo Fitz", & "Jemma Simmons" from "Marvel Agent's of  S.H.i.E.L.D." Tv show. They both are good separately, but together as "Fitz-Simmons" their fan-base is off-the hook! LOL! Their love connection makes them that much cooler. 

"I am A Amazing Human Being!" LOL!

3- You Don't Need to Make Your Book Character to Macho! 

Some characters in books need to be macho. Example: Bad guys, Bullies, and Military types. Unless your character is one of these things then they don't have to be macho. Some people think Badass means the same thing as "Macho" but it's not. Some times the simplest cool guy is the best. Like Batman, "Agent May" from "Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D. ,  "Kirito" from"SAO",
"Hawk-eye" from "The Avengers".
All of these characters are cool just because there simple non-powered heroes, but their still heroes. And that makes them peoples favorite choices because we can relate to non-powered heroes because each of us is one in our own way.

Author- "I've Made A Badass Book Character!"

So Round-up of my post. Badass character requirements:

*Awesome origin story!
*Good love Match-up!
*Simple heroes most the time get a good fan-base!(Powered heroes are also very awesome!)
Now Good luck on writing! Because when your done you can be like-

As always Hope this tip helps you guys with your writing! Sorry if any of the swear words have offended you guys. Now Write On! :) Comment if you like this post!



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