
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How to Make Your Book Character Awesome! (A.K.A. How to Have a Badass As One of Your Book Characters!)

Me- "My Favorite Book!"

1- Give Your book character an Awesome Origin Story!

Some authors give their main really cool characters' an amazing origin story. Like "Magnus Bane" from "the Mortal instruments" book series. He was born a half/demon and grew up in a religious and abusive home which made him strong. When he figured out how to use his magic he escaped his home and traveled around the world, selling his magic services for a price. Then as he lived through the many centuries that passed, he continued to Fall in and out of love, until he met "Alec Lightwood". (You see that to me is an awesome origin story!)

Me- "Their Amaze-Balls!"

Another good example is "The Scarlet Witch" and her twin brother "Quicksilver". Through out marvel comics they have many origin stories but my favorite is, the one in the movie "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron."  it describes their trials of hardship. loosing their (adopted) parents (real parents are "Magneto" and mother is (?) ), Hating "Stark", and so on. I also like how the movie shows how close they are to one another, because they are all each other has. (You want your readers to understand the sorrow, joy, or anger that your book character may feel. Because you want your readers to relate to the character or characters you may have.) Like how me and my twin sister felt when Quicksilver dies. (I cried. And I don't cry easily.) For twins it's like there's a link between you that no one else is connected to. it's just the two of you, and if the link is severed it probably feels like your dying. And when the Scarlet Witch screams when her brother dies it breaks your heart. You see If you write about twins you need to describe there connection. 

"Oh, were Fitz and Simmons!"

2- Have a Good Love Interest In Place!

You see your book character can be as badass as "Black Widow", but that isn't going to get your book character a huge fan base unless you pair them up with some one as equally awesome! (Like The Hulk, or Captain America) For instants, two awesome and cool in their own way people "Leo Fitz", & "Jemma Simmons" from "Marvel Agent's of  S.H.i.E.L.D." Tv show. They both are good separately, but together as "Fitz-Simmons" their fan-base is off-the hook! LOL! Their love connection makes them that much cooler. 

"I am A Amazing Human Being!" LOL!

3- You Don't Need to Make Your Book Character to Macho! 

Some characters in books need to be macho. Example: Bad guys, Bullies, and Military types. Unless your character is one of these things then they don't have to be macho. Some people think Badass means the same thing as "Macho" but it's not. Some times the simplest cool guy is the best. Like Batman, "Agent May" from "Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D. ,  "Kirito" from"SAO",
"Hawk-eye" from "The Avengers".
All of these characters are cool just because there simple non-powered heroes, but their still heroes. And that makes them peoples favorite choices because we can relate to non-powered heroes because each of us is one in our own way.

Author- "I've Made A Badass Book Character!"

So Round-up of my post. Badass character requirements:

*Awesome origin story!
*Good love Match-up!
*Simple heroes most the time get a good fan-base!(Powered heroes are also very awesome!)
Now Good luck on writing! Because when your done you can be like-

As always Hope this tip helps you guys with your writing! Sorry if any of the swear words have offended you guys. Now Write On! :) Comment if you like this post!


Friday, June 26, 2015

How To Make A Grown Man Cry! (A.K.A. How To Have Your Readers Emotionally Invested In Your Book)

1- Grab their Tear-ducts!

(You need your readers to fall in love with one of your characters!) For me I fell in love with dobby in Harry Potter! (So the way to do that, is make an adorable and sometimes relatable character, that goes through hardships and survives.) So when something

Me- "Or a Grown Woman." 

bad happens to your character
Your readers will be like-



2- Add Cute Unique

Characteristic For

Your Character!

(I love dobby's characteristic , which is him speaking in the third person.)

Me- "Yes you are Dobby, yes you are!"

(I think "Natsu from Fairytail" has a super unique characteristic. "I've got a fire in my belly." Every time he says that you know "shit just got real,")
You want your character to be unique and un-similar to anyone else's. Like for instants you have a character named "Josadiah Hemston." who is a detective who unlike, "Psych", "the Mentalist", and "Monk" who's abilities are  based off "Sherlock Holmes's" ability to pay close attention to detail. 
Josadiah's is a detective who can read minds. He snatches his killers by finding evidence to build a good enough case against them to try them for the murders they have or will commit. his unique characteristic is when he's reading peoples minds his eyes will start to glow so he has to where sunglasses all the time and he has to hum, "Stand by Me" to calm his mind so he only has to focus on one mind and not all of them. When he hums you know he's about to catch his killer. LOL!

Me- "And he's your husband!"

3- Have Your Unique Character Have A Relationship With Someone unexpected! 

 I think unique charters should get with someone just as equally unique. (like Ron & Hermione! Their Love surprised me so much!) I think love in books should be unexpected. You know like the real thing! You want people to be half expecting the couple to happen and half not sure if they will get together. Give them cute things like this: They fight a lot, they finish each others sentences, they may fall in love at first sight. It doesn't matter, you want the two unique characters that you make a couple to share something that no other book couple has. So make your own cute thing for your characters!

As always hope these tips help you guys! Comment if you like my blog, or you just like one of my likes under 10 things you may like about me! Or if you would like me to post a writing tip that you need.

Friday, June 19, 2015

How to Write Amazing Chapter Names! (A.K.A How to Catch the Readers Eye!)

Reader- "What's The Point of Reading This When I Know

Hegart loses! Let's Get The Author!"

1- Don't Give Away The Chapter!
(Most authors are pretty good at giving their chapter's names that fit their chapter. You want your chapter if it is about the main character in your book for example:"Hegart Oak" a bad-ass swordsman in this chapter will battle "Gon the Ferocious" and will be injured in battle." You don't want your chapter to be called. "Chapter (?) The Defeat of Hegart Oak" (because your reader will see that and say-)

Reader- "What the Hell! The Chapter Name

Has Nothing To Do With This Chapter!

2- Make Sure Your Chapter Name Make Sense!(You see if we use the same chapter above, then you don't want your chapter to give absolutely nothing away!) For example- "The Fall" Your Readers will be like-

Reader- "This Chapter Name is Amazing!

You Guys Have To Read This Chapter!"

3- Make Your Chapter Name Subtle! (You want to hint what the Chapter is about but not give the Chapter away. So using the same Chapter above, you want the chapter name to be.) Example:
"Chapter (?) Gon the ferocious"
 it's doesn't give to much of the chapter away but should catch the readers interest! So your readers will say-


As always hope these tips help you guys out! Please comment if they do! And Keep Writing!

Sincerely Your Reject-Teen Writer,


Monday, June 15, 2015

How to Make Your Writing Easier! (A.K.A Make Your Writing Area Bomb!)

Other Authors- "How Is This So Awesome!"

-So like the title says this is a few tips for making your writing come to you easily and for making a
writing Den that will blow other peoples Minds with how easy it is to achieve!

Author- "Just Breathe, Your Butt Will Un-numb Itself In a Bit." 

1# Get a very comfy chair. (If You Don't, Your Butt Will Go Numb From Sitting To Long!)
 I know from experience. If you don't have a comfy chair sit on your bed. (It works nicely for comfort.) An it's better then getting a numb tooshie! LOL!

Author-"Take That Filth! I Will Write Again!" 

2# Clean your Writing Den! Even if your Writing Den is just the middle of your bed, still make your
bed. If you have a desk Clean your Desk!(a clean writing area makes all the difference.)

Author- "Now I Finish and Write on!"

3# Have a note book and pencil ready to write down any old book idea that comes to you, as your writing. (but don't focus on the idea. Write it down and save it for another page or chapter. Unless the idea is for the chapter your on in that case, Write On!) Or if you have an idea about a character just draw and then continue writing!

Author- "Now Let's Get Are Caffine!"

4# Have a bottle of water & a bottle of Caffeine (Tea or coffee, your choice. Since caffeine dehydrates you. You need to drink water equal to the amount of caffeine you drink.) If you can't find a hot resistant water bottle then just use a cup. But KEEP IT AWAY FROM YOUR COMPUTER! (I made the mistake of putting my cup by my computer, it was horrible.)

Author- "Sweet, Sweet Paradise!"

5# Have a closed spaced room, so no one can interrupt your writing process. (Lone cabin in the
woods with WI-FI, would work nicely. Or a Hobbit Hole. LOL!)

Author- "My Food For Later!"

6# It's best to have food pre-made so you don't have to stop writing. Examples of pre-made food:
Veggie trey with ranch, Hummus & Crackers, Cookies & Milk, Granola bar, Chicken salad, Bento Box, Etc.
  (Put food some where high so pets can not eat it while your in Writing Mode. I know this also from experience. Or Just put your food in refrigerator or microwave.)

My Easy Writing Tips:

1- Get plenty of sleep. (Can't think if sleepy)

2- Drink Green tea instead of Coffee. (Green tea has more Caffeine)

3- Write your story down from beginning to end to have a rough draft. (book novel must be at least 50,000 words)

4- Find something that motivates you.(My motivators are my family, watching fantasy movies, reading, and green tea)

5- Mail finished manuscript to self and keep sealed long after book is published. (after you do this mail other copies to literary agents)

6- Must have literary Agent to get published. (figure that out the hard way)

7- Start at the beginning of one month and try to finish your book before the end of the month. (Giving yourself a time strain to push you to finish)

8- Never Give up. (Because every story out there written by every published and unpublished Author  should be read by the world, because it's some ones dream. And I think Dreams should come true.)

 9- Edit, Edit, Edit! Always edit. Your rough-draft is never enough. The best edit you can get is from someone else's point of view of your book. So Ask a friend or family member, that will be totally contrary to your feelings.

- Hope these Tips help you guys make your own awesome Writing Dens and makes your writing easier!

Sincerely your Reject-Teen Writer,

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How to Add Love Intrest in Your Book! (Without Making Your Book Overly Lovey-Dovey!)

Love Crazed Character-"I Can't Live Without You!"

1- Don't Over Sell Love At First Sight!

 You see some authors, no names in particular, try to hard to show their characters love connection.
Example: "It would be more prudent for you not to be my friend. But I'm tired of trying to stay away from you, Bella." You all know this love connection is the point of  that book.
You make your books like that your readers will think your characters are love crazed, and unrealistic.

2- Make Your Character's Love Relatable.

(I think love should be subtle in books not the main point of them, unless it's a romance.) You need to make the love
your book characters share instant but real. Example: "The first time I saw Bryce Loski . . . I
flipped." (You need to also have something the book characters share for instants.)

Character main- "I love you!"

 3- Make The Love Between Your Book Characters Forever!

(I like Books that have characters that love starts shaky but ends forever. For instants, (Harry Potter)Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, (39 clues)Ian Kabra and Amy Cahill, (Rangers Apprentice) Will and Alyss, (SAO) Asuna and Kirito, (Fairy Tail) Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia.(Mortal Instruments) Alec and Magnus, (Percy Jackson) Annabeth and Percy.)
You want your book characters love to be rooted for by your readers.

Reader- "They Finally Said They Love Each Other!"

4-Make Your Readers Root For The Main Couple!

(At the end of your book you want your readers to be happy with the book couple match-ups you may have. Put together the unexpected couples, like the geek and the prep girl, or the book worm and the Goth kid!) Because like I was for the episode in Castle when "Bucket and Castle said they loved each other". You want your readers to be like-

As always hope these tips help you guys out comment if they do!

Sincerely your Reject-Teen Writer,



Monday, June 1, 2015

How To Write Action In Your Book! (A.K.A How To Make Awesome Fight Scenes!)

Shelia-"How Dare You Cheat On Me!"

1- Don't Over-Explain! (So you know how authors have fight scenes that are all sudden but still explanatory.) like- Shelia saw her boyfriend's hand being held by another girl at lunch. so with her blood boiling and her rage blinding her vision, she marched with in human speed right over to Mike and Pitch-slapped him. (You see this fight scene is clean and easy. that's how they should always be.)

Reader- "How is That a Fight Scene!"

2- Don't Under Explain! (You see some writers under explain fight scenes.) Like- Shelia saw boyfriend with another girl in front of her, and went and slapped him. (you see if you explain a fight scene like that.) Your readers will be like-    

"Let's do this!"

3- Now Make The Epic Fight! (You need to make it awesome. Like for instants.) Saneck stepped forward weapon drawn. John feeling his power surging through his body began to glow. His rage grew more and more as the pain from his wounds continued to build up. He was not going to go down like this, not this way. So with John's last amount of strength he stood up and roared-    


As always hope this tip helps you guys out. Also sorry for the lack of post, been sick. Please comment if this tip helps you guys, if you like any of  my likes, or if you just want to talk.

Sincerely Your Reject-Teen Writer,















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